DBT PLEASE MASTER is an emotion regulation strategy aimed at aiding clients in comprehensively managing their emotions by integrating physical and mental well-being.

Emotion Regulation, Decision Making, Self-Care

What is the DBT PLEASE MASTER technique? 

As mental health professionals, understanding and teaching effective self-care techniques is vital in helping clients manage their emotional health. The PLEASE skill set from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) offers a structured approach to emotional regulation, focusing on physical and psychological wellness as foundations for emotional stability.

What does the PLEASE MASTER technique stand for?

The PLEASE acronym stands Treat Physical Illness, Balanced Eating, Avoid Mood-Altering Drugs, Balanced Sleep, Exercise, and Mastery:

  • P and L - Treat Physical Illness: Stress the importance of addressing physical health issues as they directly affect emotional well-being. Encourage clients to adhere to prescribed medical treatments, take necessary medications, and seek regular medical consultations.
  • E - Balanced Eating: Highlight the connection between diet and mood stability. Guide clients to maintain a balanced diet that includes regular meals consisting of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to sustain energy levels and mood.
  • A - Avoid Mood-Altering Drugs: Discuss the impact of substances like alcohol and recreational drugs on emotional regulation. These substances can impair the ability to process and cope with emotions, leading to heightened distress and impulsivity.
  • S - Balanced Sleep: Emphasize the necessity of a regular sleep schedule. Educate clients on the importance of getting adequate sleep (typically seven to nine hours) to improve cognitive function and emotional resilience.
  • E - Exercise: Advocate for regular physical activity as a means to enhance physical health and emotional mood. Exercise releases endorphins, which act as natural mood lifters and can be a crucial part of managing stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Master(y): Engage in daily activities that foster a sense of accomplishment, joy and confidence.

Implementing PLEASE Skills in Therapy

  1. Assessment and Education: Begin by assessing your clients' current self-care routines to identify areas for improvement. Educate them on how each aspect of the PLEASE skills can specifically aid in their emotional regulation.
  2. Goal Setting: Work with clients to set realistic and achievable self-care goals. For instance, if a client struggles with sleep, help them develop a bedtime routine that promotes relaxation and sleep readiness.
  3. Monitoring Progress: Regularly check in on clients’ progress with their self-care goals. Discuss challenges and successes, and adjust plans as needed to better support their emotional regulation efforts.
  4. Skill Building: Provide resources and strategies for clients to develop skills in areas they find challenging. For example, offer guidance on nutrition, suggest sleep hygiene tips, or recommend physical activities suited to their interests and physical condition.
  5. Integrative Approach: Encourage clients to see these practices not as isolated tasks but as integral parts of their overall mental health strategy. Help them understand how physical health impacts emotional states and vice versa.

What are the Benefits of utilizing the PLEASE MASTER skill in my practice?

Integrating the PLEASE skill set into your therapeutic approach can greatly enhance your effectiveness in treating clients. By teaching these skills, you provide clients with practical tools to manage their emotional health independently, which can lead to more sustainable therapeutic outcomes. Moreover, these practices can also be beneficial for therapists themselves, promoting personal well-being and professional longevity.

The PLEASE skills set provides a comprehensive framework for addressing the physical components that impact emotional well-being. For therapists and mental health professionals, these skills are crucial in helping clients achieve better emotional regulation and overall mental health. By incorporating the PLEASE strategies into therapy sessions, you can empower your clients to take active roles in their emotional health, fostering resilience and a more balanced life.

A new platform that fosters client engagement

Glassmind offers a modern digital resource management platform with tools that create, deliver, manage and track resources you provide to clients while in therapy. We save providers time while giving clients a better experience. In addition, our platform supports both measurement and value-based-care with digital support tools not found in EHRs.
DEARMAN DBT Worksheet Therapy Resource