REBT Discounting the Positives

REBT Client Worksheet for Discounting the Positives for Therapists

This free REBT worksheet helps clients overcome the habit of discounting the positives, enabling them to fully acknowledge and appreciate their achievements and positive experiences, thus enhancing self-esteem and life satisfaction.

Self Esteem, Depression

Addressing Discounting the Positives with REBT

Introduction to REBT and Discounting the Positives

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), developed by Dr. Albert Ellis, is a cognitive-behavioral approach that emphasizes identifying and altering irrational beliefs that lead to emotional distress. One such irrational belief is discounting the positives, where individuals consistently minimize or ignore their achievements and positive experiences. This cognitive distortion can lead to persistent feelings of inadequacy and depression, as it skews an individual’s perception of reality, making life appear less fulfilling than it actually is.

Characteristics of Discounting the Positives

Discounting the positives occurs when individuals:

  • Reject positive experiences by insisting they "don't count."
  • Focus only on the negative aspects of a situation, ignoring any positive outcomes.
  • Feel unworthy of praise and unable to accept compliments genuinely.

REBT Techniques to Counteract Discounting the Positives

Therapists can employ several REBT strategies to help clients recognize and correct the tendency to discount the positives:

  1. Identifying the Distortion: Help clients notice when they are discounting positive experiences or achievements. Awareness is the first step in changing this pattern.
  2. Challenging Irrational Beliefs: Encourage clients to question their negative beliefs about positive events:
    • "What evidence do I have that this positive event 'doesn’t count'?"
    • "How would I view a friend in the same situation?"
    • "What are the consequences of discounting my positive experiences?"
  3. Developing Rational Alternatives: Guide clients to formulate more balanced thoughts that acknowledge their successes and positive qualities, such as, "I have accomplished many things that I can be proud of, and these successes are valid and important."
  4. Practicing Acceptance: Encourage clients to practice accepting compliments and positive feedback without deflecting. Role-playing can be an effective way to develop this skill.
  5. Feedback and Progress Monitoring: Regularly review and discuss how changing their thought patterns affects their feelings and self-esteem. Reinforce the importance of recognizing and valuing positive experiences.

Benefits of Overcoming Discounting the Positives

Clients who successfully address their tendency to discount the positives can experience:

  • Improved self-esteem and mood.
  • A more balanced and accurate view of their life and achievements.
  • Enhanced ability to enjoy and appreciate positive moments and successes.

Enhancing Life Satisfaction Through REBT

Teaching clients to recognize and correct the habit of discounting the positives is an essential skill in REBT that can greatly improve their quality of life. This technique not only promotes a healthier self-image but also increases overall happiness and satisfaction.

A new platform that fosters client engagement

Glassmind offers a modern digital resource management platform with tools that create, deliver, manage and track resources you provide to clients while in therapy. We save providers time while giving clients a better experience. In addition, our platform supports both measurement and value-based-care with digital support tools not found in EHRs.

The Glassmind Platform includes small, bite sized lessons with audio-guides, follow up questions, videos and other resources to help your client understand the REBT lessons you are imparting on them.
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