This 6 page DBT worksheet set introduces clients to the ACCEPTS technique

Emotion Regulation, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Substance Abuse


Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) offers a set of coping strategies known as ACCEPTS, designed to assist individuals in managing intense emotions and navigating challenging situations effectively. These strategies are integral for therapists and mental health providers looking to enrich their therapeutic techniques and enhance client outcomes.

What Does ACCEPTS Stand For?

  • A - Activities: Encourage clients to engage in activities that distract from distress, such as reading, watching films, or walking.
  • C - Contributing: Guide clients to perform acts of kindness, boosting their sense of purpose and well-being.
  • C - Comparisons: Help clients make comparisons with those in tougher situations or similar challenges to gain perspective.
  • E - Emotions: Teach clients to identify and label their emotions, enhancing emotional management.
  • P - Pushing Away: Instruct clients to visualize distancing themselves from distressing thoughts, reducing their emotional impact.
  • T - Thoughts: Focus clients on positive affirmations and thoughts to build resilience and self-confidence.
  • S - Sensations: Engage clients with activities that offer pleasant physical sensations, like warm baths or soothing music.

These techniques are versatile and can be seamlessly integrated with other DBT skills such as mindfulness and interpersonal effectiveness, forming a comprehensive approach to treatment.

Benefits of Integrating DBT ACCEPTS into Therapy

  • Enhanced Emotion Regulation: DBT ACCEPTS equips individuals to shift focus from distressing situations, aiding those particularly prone to anxiety or anger.
  • Increased Coping Skills: The strategies help manage and lessen emotional distress, enhancing overall coping capacities.
  • Improved Self-Awareness: By concentrating on thoughts, emotions, and sensations, clients can better recognize distress triggers and act proactively to mitigate them.
  • Strengthened Relationships: As clients improve in regulating emotions and coping, they engage more positively with others. The contributing aspect of ACCEPTS also fosters a stronger support network and enhances relational well-being.

Practical Application of DBT ACCEPTS

Consider a scenario involving Amanda, who suffers from anxiety. Feeling overwhelmed, she applies the ACCEPTS strategies:

  • Activities: Amanda takes a walk in the park, diverting her mind from anxious thoughts.
  • Contributing: She calls a friend in need, offering support and comfort.
  • Comparisons: Amanda reflects on others who have overcome similar challenges, which helps her gain perspective.
  • Emotions: By identifying and acknowledging her anxiety, Amanda better manages her emotional response.
  • Pushing Away: She visualizes her worries as clouds drifting by, disengaging from them.
  • Thoughts: Amanda focuses on positive affirmations, bolstering her confidence in handling anxiety.
  • Sensations: Through deep breathing exercises, she reduces physical anxiety symptoms.

Through ACCEPTS, Amanda finds her anxiety more manageable and prevents it from escalating.

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DEARMAN DBT Worksheet Therapy Resource