The FAST skill set in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) revolves around maintaining self-respect and self-integrity during interactions.

Communication Skills

What is the FAST DBT Skill?

The FAST skill in DBT provides a framework for effective communication and negotiation, helping individuals articulate their needs while staying true to their values. Here’s what each component of the FAST acronym stands for:

  • Fair: Approach interactions with fairness to both yourself and others, ensuring that your requests are reasonable and considerate.
  • Apologies: Limit apologies to when they are warranted. Refrain from apologizing for your opinions, needs, or feelings.
  • Stick to Values: Align your requests and actions with your personal values, enhancing the authenticity and integrity of your communications.
  • Truthful: Be honest in your communications, which fosters trust and clarity in your relationships.

What are the Benefits of Using the FAST Skill?

Utilizing the FAST skill can significantly improve your interactions in personal and professional contexts. It encourages clear and principled communication, helping you navigate discussions and negotiations more effectively. By adhering to these principles, you can enhance your interpersonal effectiveness and maintain positive relationships, even in challenging situations.

Applying the FAST Skill: A Practical Example

Consider a scenario where Derek uses the FAST skill during a challenging negotiation with a supplier at work:

Derek's company is facing supply chain issues, and he needs to negotiate better terms with a supplier to ensure timely deliveries. Feeling the pressure, he prepares to use the FAST principles during their meeting.

  • Fair: Derek starts the conversation by acknowledging the challenges both parties face in the current market, setting a tone of mutual respect and understanding.
  • Apologies: He avoids unnecessary apologies, focusing instead on constructive dialogue and solutions.
  • Stick to Values: Derek emphasizes his commitment to quality and reliability, key values of his company, to reinforce the importance of the negotiation.
  • Truthful: He openly discusses the potential business impact of continued delays, clearly stating his needs without exaggeration.

After the negotiation, Derek reviews the discussion with his therapist, using the FAST framework to evaluate and plan for future interactions.

Therapeutic Dialogue Using the DBT FAST Skill

Therapist: “Let’s use the FAST skill to analyze your negotiation today. How do you think being fair and truthful contributed to the discussion?”

Derek: “It helped establish a shared understanding and opened the door for more honest communication.”

Therapist: “That’s an excellent outcome. How did sticking to your values support your objectives?”

Derek: “It made my requests more compelling and showed the supplier how crucial their cooperation is to our business.”

Therapist: “Great, let’s keep building on using the FAST skill to enhance your negotiation strategies and manage stress effectively.”

The FAST DBT skill is a powerful tool for anyone looking to improve their communication skills, assert their needs, and strengthen relationships without compromising their self-respect. Whether in personal scenarios or professional settings, applying the FAST principles can lead to more fulfilling and effective interactions. For therapists and mental health providers, teaching the FAST skill can greatly empower clients to navigate their interpersonal dynamics with confidence and clarity.

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DEARMAN DBT Worksheet Therapy Resource